Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

World energy crisis in the second half of this

World energy crisis in the second half of this year are classified as severe and sweeping across the countries in the world have raised confidence that bioenergy is an alternative to solving it. While oil prices have soared in recent by itself generate Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya economic incentives for the development bionergi as an alternative to fossil energy is increasingly expensive and scarce. The incentives also arise due to the growing concern world countries on environmental problems due to the increasingly severe pollution, arising from the use of exhaust gas emissions of fossil energy. Excellence is the main bionergi renewable and penggunaannnya impact on the environment is much more friendly than fossil energy use over the years.
Indonesia is one country that is facing a serious energy problems due to heavy reliance on fossil fuels, while the development of bioenergy as an alternative to still less attention. Indeed Indonesia to develop bioenergy potential is relatively large, both bioethanol and biodiesel.One of the relatively large potential for the development of bio-ethanol is made from sugarcane. Assuming 80 liters of bioethanol can be produced from 1 ton of cane (technical data in Brazil) and cane productivity average of 80 tonnes per ha, then from each hectare of land can produce 6,400 liters of sugarcane ethanol. If ethanol from sugarcane can substitute 10% of gasoline needs in 2010 (33.4 billion liters), then the target can be achieved by the development of sugarcane area covering 522 thousand hectares. With the substitution targets, the amount of gasoline that can be substituted for 3:34 billion liters or more than Rp 15 trillion. Survey data shows the availability of land outside Java are suitable for sugarcane approximately
Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014750 thousand hectares, in addition to the existing industrial area of ​​potential arael 420 thousand ha (Indonesian sugarcane acreage in 1993/1994)
Ethanol derived from sugar cane in some ways more prospective than other crops. Data Lamlet (Latin America Thematic Network on Bioenergy) shows ethanol production costs are cheaper. For every m3 of ethanol produced from sugar cane would cost $ 160. Compare with other sources. Of corn, for example, for the same amount needed $ 250-420, from wheat $ 380 - 480, of potatoes $ 800-900, $ 700 from cassava, sugar beet and from $ 300-400. Origin of sugarcane ethanol production takes relatively little energy. The ratio of output / input energy of ethanol from sugar cane around 2,5.9,0. While the corn 1.3, sweet sorghum ethanol from sugar cane. Aris Toharisman (P3GI Pasuruan) 3 2.5-5.0, and sugar beet 1.76. In addition, the reduction of CO2 emissions in the use of sugarcane ethanol as a substitute home premium reaches 50-90%. For ethanol from corn is only 20-40% and 30-50% sugar beet.Indonesia as a country that has a variety of renewable natural resources is potentially produce bioenergy. However, in its development, biofuels produced using a lot of biomass that can be used as food. Bioethanol, for example, is made from materials that are starchy and sugary foods. This will adversely affect the food supply. If the biofuel is made from continuous food, there will be competition between the frontal and energy food supply.
To avoid such competition, has developed technology Biofuel (BBN) second generation. Second-generation biofuel technology is a technology that is capable of producing biofuels, such as biodiesel or bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials. If we cultivate any crops, including food crops (to produce sugar, starch, oil-fat, etc.), material produced by the plant is the largest of lignocellulose. If the results of the agricultural and plantation harvested, li
Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014gnocellulosic materials will be left behind as agricultural waste or residual use of plants and typically underutilized. This leads to potentially be used as a lignocellulosic raw material of biofuel production.

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