According to the Vice Chairman of Commission XI of the House of Representatives , Harry Azhar Aziz , FSA must place themselves as the party accessible to the public .
That is, the pulau pari FSA can quickly respond when people ask about the status of licensing agencies and investment products.CASE KSU perbicangan Stone cascade into a scene in Sambas district . Because the investment of hundreds or even thousands of people never fruitful results . Hundreds of millions to billions of dollars of money collected no realization . KSU did not ada.Diawali effort in 2006 , Pemangkat Fisheries Cooperative Operations plans to build Cassava plantations in Sambas District of Semangau Village area , but it turns out these activities are not realized and implemented fail . Then in 2007 , intends to implement the Cooperative Khatulistiawa Semangau Oil Palm Plantation Revitalization Program led Majid Fahmi and Asmarhadi . For land use Semangau village established 31 farmer groups , each consisting of 50 farmer groups each head of the family , and each family made Land Statement ( SPT ) . But in the course was limited to administration , with the pretext of searching for the source of funds , then Fahmi Raduan Majid Majid 's brother told Chairman of Farmers Group to sell the land to the community outside the village Semangau , and the money from the sale of land handed over to the mosque turns Fahmi Oil Palm Plantation Revitalization Program failed .Then in 2008, the board came to KSU Palm Plantation Revitalization Cascade Stone was asked to save the oil palm plantation development program . Then the entire month of October 2008 Chairman of Farmers Group made a statement to the KSU Self Binding Cascade Stone . Following up the conclusion of the then Chairman of Farmers Group KSU Stone cascade involves the revitalization committee to record the number of participants from the village and outside the village Semangau Semangau . Registration Form for data collection was made , then the proof of registered participants has published the Candidate Card ( Capes ) for verification and registration of prospective participants .
In this cascade Stone KSU Chair Supriya written request to the Regents Sambas when it held Ir H Burhanuddin A Rashid , where KSU Stone Cascade intends to manage its own land area of pulau tidung approximately 36,000 hectares , with a commodity to be developed Oil , Sugarcane , Rubber and Rice . Land is no overlap , so it is necessary recommendations as a condition of development Regent Sambas managed plantations cooperative institutions . The area where the land is owned by the former armed combatants persatua throughout Indonesia ( Perbepsi ) which has been controlled and owned KSU Cascade Stone .
In order to establish oil palm plantations here , Cascade Stone KSU seeks to maximize the potential that exists . Namn is not easy to build a palm oil plantation alias is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand . In 2009 that , efforts were made including the identification and registration of candidates belonging to palm oil plantation in Batu KSU cascade .It turns out that these efforts succeeded invite local investors , especially those who want to invest in the oil field . According to one of the residents and also the victim , Amirul Amin come to market about investments in the form of plots of this oil . Amirul Amin said some residents were interested marketers , but unfortunately because it had long since 2009 until now the promised land never existed, then there are some people withdraw and collect himself . But all paid off , but until now there are 120 plots compassion that the deficit is still uncertainty in arrears by the KSU Stone Cascade . " I was forced to return the money approximately 24 plots to people who had wanted to invest , while 120 are still hanging because the money has been deposited into the KSU Cascade Stone , " he said .
Why did he come to market because KSU Chair Cascade Stone Supriya SH Majid staff mandated to Raduan operational manager for Cascade Stone KSU seeking candidates perkebuan oil ( Capes ) 09/KSU-BR/ST/III/2009 Number Assignment Letter issued KSU Cascade Stone . " Of course, to be capes must submit information sura land as a condition to being a participant in Semangau palm revitalization , " he said . In addition , he said not only SPT diserahan residents , there must be money paid Rp 500,000 for the administration of a plot of land covering an area of 2 hectares . But what happened , he said , all gone with the vagueness of this program , up to now about the business of oil KSU Cascade Stone unclear .
Even Amir Amin claimed there were about 30 people who made such a search Capes Raduan Majid , so it can be estimated how much money investors have become unclear what use pengobatan alternatif .The same thing was experienced m.ali Perfect villagers Subdistrict Subah . Information related to the arrival of the land to be cleared for palm oil plantations in the Village District of Sebawi Semangau echoed one of the people in his village that is a Unapi . To the public , saying there Unapi oil palm plantations to be opened , for anyone who wants to join let handed over Rp 6,050,000 to Rp 6,200,000 per person to get a plot of land with an area of 2 hectares . " It was about the year 2009 , too many people are excited to be a participant farmers palm plantations , " he said . Then shortly berseleng news circulated terkumpullah 76 people , including himself, to join. 76 is comprised of residents in the region Hamlet Hamlet Bukit Indah and Bukit Permai Village Subdistrict Perfect Subah , with the amount of money paid to the KSU Stone cascade of Rp 450.35 million with the District Sebawi Semangau village location . " 4 years passed , no news , no continuation of the payment of money the people in the village to the KSU Perfect cascade of rock , sediment settles our money without results . I wish so investment income , " he said .
Because of the insistence and because E - 76 citizens who had been armed with capes investors because Cascade Stone KSU finally lost patience . He said he took the initiative to report to the authorities , because the news had not been there , and they think this is a form of fraud . Together with 50 people at the time we make a report to the police station and directly addressed by the Police . Witnesses course , that 50 people are witnesses . " Demand comrades because it dragged on without certainty , because once the money is paid to the KSU Stone cascade , we only accept receipts and cards Capes , we no longer expect so investors or the smallholders song we just want to ask for the money back , " said M Ali mewakil 76 capes KSU Cascade Stone is disappointed . In addition to reporting , the possibilities it will make plans lawsuit related to the act of the Cascade Stone KSU . " We consider our dupe . Even I received directly from Raduan capes Majid aka Toya at KSU Cooperative building stone cascade , " he said .
" Kan may like credit card customer service , so got a call to confirm , immediately responded . Deft If FSA , many people will be saved from the evils of investment , " said Harry , ( 08/04/2013 ) .
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