Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Anda Ngeblog Sekedar untuk Menulis atau Juga Monetisasi?

Actually you are using a blog to simply write or also for monetization has long attracted controversy and disagreement among the blogger who is pure media use blogs to simply share experiences and write , sharing or time - which was also happy with for monetization pulau tidung.
It is essentially the use of blogs and our own as a blogger wants to use our blog for what it does right and it's up to the owner of the blog . However there is an argument from certain circles that is actually supposed to be just blogging to share the pure either without any experience or knowledge - frills earn money from blog monetization alias .
Blog monetization widely regarded as damaging the basic purpose of blogging in general that are used only to pour a mind and thoughts with a personal diary format .
But in my opinion , along with the development of a blog run as an increase in traffic it would not hurt if we start doing the blog monetization because after those two things are blogging and pengobatan alternatif monetization can be done simultaneously without disturbing or damaging our blogging activities .
Monetization of course also have to start at the right time with careful planning because without careful planning or kasarannya if you monetize a new blog without any optimization in terms of both content and traffic , then the result is not optimal even might not produce at all .
WordPress is a blogging platform that uses independent domain and hosting which is currently the most widely used around the world by the bloggers with a variety of purposes both for personal and business needs . Here's the real statistics based trends.builtwith.com of the latest research results in August 2012 and is expected to continue to rise .
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For those of you who have not megerti on how to operate wordpress obat pembesar penis vimax do not worry , you can learn in this tutorial wordpress , besides you can learn through this tutorial , you can while doing business online , as affiliates . if you can sell in the form of video tutorials is to other people , you will get a commission from the owner .
Sungguh0 going to try and really learn it , please visit this page

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